Visitors will discover vibrant content designed to help their operations increase productivity, safety and cost efficiency.

July Look of The Month: Fabric Look

June Color of the Month: Stone Look
Cool gray and natural, the look of stone is foundational. It can stand out or provide a sensational backdrop for any design or style!
See the tile:
- Delegate™ DL28 2. Elect™ EL32 3. Articulo™ AR09 4. Society™ SO49 5. Valor™ VR03 6. Diplomacy™ DP03 7. Elect™ EL32 & Confectionery™ CY22 8. Society™ SO49 & SO46 9. Severino™ SV94 10. Ambassador™ AM35 11. Articulo™ AR09 12. Articulo™ AR07 & AR10
Kemper System America Names Directors of Sales
Kemper System America, Inc. announces the promotion of Joseph Hoekzema and Brian McGuire to Directors of Sales.

March Color of the Month
February Color of the Month – Serene Blue

January Color of the Month

December Color of the Month

November Color of the Month